Monday, 27 February 2012


England bubbles up thick around my eyes and ears - The desert falls away - I am a miraculous apparition - A gypsy curse - The women on the train is fucking awful, blaming every one else for all her problems and loudly too - Augment reality; blink your eyes and the scene has changed, it has altered - Not the same - I have returned to someone else's life - Someone else's bed - Horrible, horrible - Kick back - Manchester is a bummer - Welcome to Bradford, now fade away - This beach is TOXIC. DO NOT SWIM at this beach - I have these dreams, doctor, where I've jumped off a building, and time stops as a sort of self defence, because the instant my feet leave the ground I do no want to die any more - Surely there is something I can do - The idea of not buying a suit ceased to exist - Feels like an appropriate place to read Slaughterhouse 5 - I've got to lock it down, I can make it real and permanent with words - No loose ends - Paranoia comes on fast - These French types keep asking me for directions, I keep telling them I don't speak French - They're deadly serious about their interior decoration - A sane way to introduce yourself I guess - Get hammered at your grandfathers 80th - Wouldn't you? - Is this complimentary? - Let's rifle through their stuff a bit - The magic shop is staffed by an angry cockney man named 'Barry', it's working well for me - I've got to find that book - Time stops here, replaced by money and insanity - Why did I buy this, and not that? - Seems like a reasonable name for a brothel - Upon arriving in Hampstead Heath I practically trip over a roach - Lost, but only physically and the natives seem friendly enough anyway

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